GWM China Fruit Import Update: Grapes, Week 9/2016

Week 9 showed a similar market to week 8 with grapes still dominated by Peruvian arrivals however Chilean supply has slowly begun to take away market share. Export data suggests that by arrival week 11/12 Chilean grapes will dominate the market.  Northern hemisphere imports continue to be primarily citrus with apple arrivals less than usual largely as a result of the U.S.A supply situation.

Peru Red Globe remained the most dominant grape on the market with daily arrivals of between 18 to 22 containers in Guangzhou and 5 to 10 in Shanghai. These arrivals reflect the expectation of increased arrivals during week 9 visible from export statistics. As was mentioned in the previous report less arrivals of Peruvian Red Globe showing enormous sizing and packed in reputable brands have been able to price at or above ¥200, with even fewer able to move at this price level. Most of the better quality large sized berries asked in the range ¥180-190 (JJ/JJJ, 8.2kg) while arrivals showing a combination of smaller issues priced at between ¥160-170 (JJ/JJJ, 8.2kg). Extra large sized Red Globe from Peru remained at a similar price level as during week 8 with most fruit priced between ¥150-170 (XL, 8.2kg) with better and top quality fruit asking between ¥160-180 (XL, 8.2kg). Chilean Red Globes have been gradually increasing in volume with pricing closely following the Peruvian Red Globe.

Till week 8 Peruvian departures stand at 7.3 million cartons which represents a decrease of 15% compared to the previous season.  Departures from Peru have trended lower in recent weeks however this has been compensated by increased Chilean departures. Till departure week 9 Chilean volumes stand at just below 1.3 million cartons which are currently above last year’s departures. To the side are the combined expected arrivals of Red Globe from Chile and Peru.

South Africa continued to have the largest share of the black seedless market with a combination of Sugrathirteen and Autumn Royal arriving on a daily basis while stocks continue to be brought forward. On the low-end South African black seedless priced at between ¥80-105 (XL, 4.5kg) with fruit showing problematic dry stems coupled with other issues such as reddish berries. Most arrivals were able to find movement at between ¥115-135 (XL, 4.5kg), while top of the market fruit showing prominent green stems, consistent dark colour and good bloom asked in the range ¥135-145 (4.5kg).

To date South African black seedless departures stand at 876k cartons (+18%) while red seedless volumes are at 950k cartons (+4%). As previous mentioned week 9 had fewer arrivals of both seedless groups, however stocks were carried forward particularly for black seedless. Arrival week 10/11 will see larger volumes of both groups entering the market, while more Chilean seedless enters the market in week 11/12/13.

The Australian Crimson market held steady during week 9 with most of the better quality fruit showing more uniform colouration asking between ¥340-360 (9kg) while some sellers asked for premiums of between ¥10-20 due to a combination of quality, brand and sizing. Crimson showing darker coloration and less consistency continued to open with prices between ¥300-330 (9kg) however movement was slower compared to the high-end fruit. South African Crimson also saw a steady market in week 9 with the most popular brands showing good quality with light berries and sweet crunchy berries pushing their asking prices upwards to as high as ¥145-160 (XL, 4.5kg). Most Crimson from South Africa remain rather dark and if stems were green could find movement at between ¥125-135 (XL, 4.5kg). Whether or not these prices will hold will be seen during week 10/11 as further arrivals from South Africa and Australia enter the market.

 Image source: Pixabay


